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Anuradhapura is a city located in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka. It is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world and was once the capital of the country. Anuradhapura was the center of Theravada Buddhism for many centuries and is home to a vast number of ancient ruins, including palaces, monasteries, and monuments.

One of the most famous sites in Anuradhapura is the Sri Maha Bodhi, a sacred fig tree that is believed to have grown from a cutting of the tree under which the Buddha attained enlightenment. The city is also known for its ancient reservoirs, such as the Abhayagiriya and Jetavanarama, which were built to store water for irrigation.

Anuradhapura is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and attracts many visitors who come to explore its rich history and archaeological treasures. The city is also an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists, who come to pay their respects to the sacred relics and monuments that are scattered throughout the area.

Scenic, Historic, Cultural, Vibrant, Lush, Religious, Colorful, Charming